
The prospect of changing a major relationship in your life and choosing to end your marriage can be extremely overwhelming for anyone and this is why it is essential to partner with a knowledgeable divorce attorney. Divorce is never easy because there are many different issues and decisions involved, including:

  • Recognition of separate property
  • Military Divorce
  • Child custody
  • Maintenance
  • Parenting time
  • Division of marital property
  • Child support
  • Tax issues
  • Dividing pensions

When your marriage ends, there are numerous questions that must be answered and having the insight of someone who cares can make a big difference. Where children are involved or extensive amounts of property, you need to be able to trust your case to someone who understands how your divorce will affect your life in both the short term and the long term. When you have questions about your divorce, you should set up a meeting with an experienced attorney as soon as possible.

Meeting with an attorney does not necessarily obligate you to file for divorce, but it is a great opportunity to have your questions answered and to understand how divorces unfold. Having someone you can count on to provide accurate information is extremely valuable when thinking about filing for a divorce.


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Experience Where It Counts

I have extensive experience counseling clients about their rights with respect to a large number of complex issues in divorces. Many of the cases that come to my office can be settled effectively. In Colorado Springs, you can avoid the litigation process when both parties can agree on all issues.

The court rules require that both parties settle as many issues as possible prior to a hearing. This rule requiring mediation, which means that you need to partner with an experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney in addition to selecting a mediator. Unfortunately, not all divorces can be settled. It can be frustrating to realize that your former spouse does not agree with you on all issues as it can be overwhelming to think about the process of going into trial.

Most of all divorce cases in Colorado Springs are tried before a judge. I have experience in effectively preparing for the cases with complex issues to resolve them as quickly as possible. If your divorce contains contested issues, you will need an attorney who is a seasoned veteran in divorce courts. I offer personalized service and after hours’ appointments to address these critical issues associated with your divorce. Partnering with the right attorney can make a significant difference.

My philosophy is to help you resolve legal issues in the most appropriate way possible. Using progressive strategies and communication, I work hard to represent my clients as a dedicated law attorney for the duration of your family law court case. Many different questions may emerge when thinking about filing for divorce and you need a knowledgeable attorney to help you at each stage.

Divorce Attorney in Colorado Springs, CO

Attorney David Koppa helps clients with complex divorce matters in Colorado Springs. The right lawyer during this difficult time can make a big difference on how you move on from a divorce and identify the best outcome for your case.