Complex Litigation

  1. Basics of Complex and Commercial Litigation

Commercial litigation arises from a business relationship between at least two entities. When a dispute emerges, it may be necessary to work with an experienced complex and commercial litigation attorney if your best efforts to resolve the issue outside of court have been unsuccessful.

While commercial litigation often involves disagreements over contracts, property, or money, more complex issues may involve claims like unfair competition. No matter the source of your complex litigation concern, it is worth your time to hire the right lawyer to help you.

What follows are some of the most common types of disputes in the commercial and complex litigation space.

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Breach of Contract

Many business disputes have to do with an alleged breach of contract. All relationships with someone else governed by a contract, including those with real estate agreements and transactions to provide services or goods, can lead to disagreements about performance. While some of these disagreements can be resolved outside of court, more complex concerns often require litigation or arbitration. Finding an experienced lawyer with a background in working hard for client outcomes is strongly recommended. All Colorado Springs contracts are governed by an implied “good faith and fair dealing duty.”

Breach of Trust

Any situation where a person or entity has been authorized to exercise fiduciary duty could lead to a breach of trust case. A trust beneficiary, shareholder, LLC member, or partner may be eligible to pursue a breach of trust claim against those who have overstepped or violated their fiduciary duty.

Deceptive Trade Practices, Business Torts, and Fraud Claims

Any kind of fraud or misrepresentation could lead to a litigated dispute. Both misrepresentations and claims of fraud can be due to mistakes or negligence. Colorado’s Consumer Protection Act, the Federal Interstate Lands Sales Full Disclosure Act, and other state and federal laws may be involved in these kinds of complex litigation claims.

Tortious Contract Interference

An individual or business can face allegations of tortious interference with a contract when any outside or third party is perceived to pursuing unfair competition practices. If a third party impedes progress, formation, or performance, a tortious contract interference claim may be the only way to stop this third party from this behavior.

Debt Collection

When someone fails to perform under a contract or breaches one, court judgments may lead to specific styles of debt collection. Common contracts associated with debt collection involve deeds of trust, mortgages, promissory notes, and guaranty agreements.

Having the right attorney to help you when facing a complex litigation is essential; a knowledgeable attorney can help you figure out next steps and ensure that someone is advocating for your interests. Retaining the right lawyer is critical regardless of where you find yourself in the litigation process.

The right litigation attorney should have a number of essential skills include an assertive and a dedicated pursuit of client outcomes, intellect, understanding of the law and the art of persuasion, and diligence. When litigation issues are complex, these skills remain important, but an experienced lawyer will also have additional skill-sets well-suited to the case and issues at hand.

Litigation may be categorized as complex in Colorado Springs if it involves one or a combination of any of the following elements:

  • Time pressure conditions associated with client needs, the opponents in the case, or judges
  • A large number of witnesses and possible deponents
  • A high volume of complicated data that must be analyzed
  • The need to defend, present, or cross-examine any expert witnesses
  • Interrelationship of several issues
  • Document populations in high volume to be produced by the plaintiff or defendant
  • Class action lawsuit concerns
  • The need for technologically advanced graphics or visual presentations in court

Complex Litigation Lawyer in Colorado Springs, CO

Attorney David Koppa has more than 25 years of experience representing clients in Colorado Springs. Complex litigation cases require the insight and commitment from a knowledgeable lawyer. If you are dealing with a complex litigation dispute, get help from someone you can trust.