
Feeling as though you are overwhelmed and frustrated with your current financial situation may lead you to consult with an attorney. There are many different things going through the mind of someone facing potential bankruptcy. First of all, you want to keep your home and car. You want to be able to rest and enjoy life again without receiving the phone calls from debt collectors or the notifications about wage garnishments or lawsuits.

In order to be clear about what to expect in the bankruptcy process, you should speak directly with a lawyer first. Setting up a consultation gives you an opportunity to have your questions answered so that you know what are your next steps. It allows you to make an informed decision about your future. For those individuals facing serious financial difficulties, it may be the only way to get a fresh start.

Empowering You for a Better Financial Future

Bankruptcy can help to put you back in the driver’s seat of your own financial future. This gives you a fresh start to allow you to take care of your family and yourself the way you always hope to. Getting a reprieve from the debt collection phone calls and other stressful events associated with the deteriorating financial situation often warrant the insight of a knowledgeable attorney.

When to Consider Bankruptcy in Colorado Springs

Bankruptcy is often the only way that an individual can lawfully eliminate the obligation to pay certain debts that you cannot afford. Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 personal bankruptcy should be considered by individuals who are overwhelmed with their current financial situation. Hiring a bankruptcy attorney is a very personal process and one that should be undertaken with care.

Let a bankruptcy attorney help you resolve your debt

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Why the Right Bankruptcy Lawyer Makes a Difference

Partnering with the right attorney involves a careful consideration of your individual needs. Setting up an initial consultation will help you understand whether Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy is right for you, the stipulations associated with what you can keep as well as the associated cost.

The primary concern of your attorney should be helping you through this process and keeping your informed each step of the way. Selecting the right lawyer can help to ease the concerns and stress you feel at the current time and can also help give you a roadmap to your own fresh start.

Finding the right attorney should involve careful vetting of the individual's experience and competency to handle your case. Reaching out to get help sooner rather than later may be critical if you are facing a mountain of bills and debt collection notices and need assistance. Set up a consultation today to learn more about your rights and options.

We are a debt relief agency. We file bankruptcy for people seeking debt relief.

Bankruptcy lawyer in Colorado Springs, CO

Attorney David Koppa works with Colorado Springs clients in need of assistance having their questions answered about bankruptcy and helps clients initiate the process so that they can begin the first steps towards a better financial future.